Young researcher

Young Researcher

Know our team, medical doctor and biotechnologist behind our construction team. We are people that find passion in what we do.

Carola Cavallo


She works as a researcher at the RAMSES laboratory of the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute. Her main area of ​​scientific interest concerns basic research in the field of bone and cartilage tissue biology, with particular reference to mechanisms related to osteoarthritis processes and cartilage pathologies.

Angelo Boffa

Medical Doctor

Resident in the II Orthopaedic and Traumatology Clinic of Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute. He works as researcher in Applied and Translational Research center (ATRc) of Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute. He is involved in clinical trials regarding biotechnology applications in orthopedics.

Shorouk Fahmy Garcia


Graduated in 2012 with an MSc in Biotechnology. She performed her PhD at the Erasmus MC in the field of bone tissue engineering. She is currently working at Erasmus MC as postdoctoral researcher. Her main focus is the reconstruction of osteochondral defects using extracellular matrix-based scaffold therapies.


Giulia Merli


She is a biologist and researcher at Applied and Translational Research Center, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute. Her main research focus is innovative regenerative techniques applied in the orthopedic field, especially concerning the use of biomimetic scaffolds, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and mesenchymal stem cells. Her activity include in vitro experiment and clinical study management.

Iacopo Romandini

Medical Doctor

Medicine and Surgery degree at the University of Bologna, he performed clinical activity as a resident in orthopaedics at the 2nd Orthopaedic and Traumatologic Clinic, carrying out research activities in the field of regenerative medicine (biomaterials, mesenchymal stem cells and platelet growth factors) for the healing of cartilage, meniscal and tendon defects.

Jana Vecstaudza

Chemical Engineering

She has BSc and MSc in Chemical Engineering from Riga Technical University. Her PhD thesis is in Material Science. Her main activiy is devoted to studies of amorphous calcium phosphate.

Jietao Xu

PhD Student

Graduated in 2017 with an MSc in Surgery. He works as a PhD candidate in the field of osteochondral tissue engineering at the department of Orthopaedics in Erasmus Medical Center in a joint doctorate program  with the University College in Dublin. His main focus is smart scaffolds to stimulate repair of the cartilage/bone interface.

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